Why we have a green policy

Sometimes it's easier to be green than others - product labelling is essential so that buyers are fully aware of the source and traceability of a product....where did it come from, who took part in its manufacture, what methods are involved. We know that we can't control all aspects but we can make informed choices about where we source our paper products and our printing. Our sustainable policy is driven by our passion to preserve the world that inspires us. For our design practice, we are using a comprehensive portfolio of products from certifiably sustainable sources and we do not need to compromise on quality.


FSC Forest Stewardship Council

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit, multi-stakeholder organisation established in 1993 to promote responsible management of the world's forests. Its main tools for achieving this are standard setting, independent certification and labelling of forest products. This offers customers around the world the ability to choose products from socially and environmentally responsible forestry.

FSC certified products are tracked from the forest to the paper manufacturer to the paper merchant and to the printer. Companies are required to go through independent assessments to ensure they comply with the rules of certification. The intensity of logging operations and the management plan for forest renewal is carefully monitored to ensure the long term health of the forest.
There are four standard FSC certification labels. 100 percent Well-Managed Sources; Recycled Paper; Mixed Sources - well managed forests; and Mixed Sources - mixture of well-managed forests and recycled materials.
All of the papers that we specify for our client print projects are FSC certified.

World Land Trust

The World Land Trust (formerly the World Wide Land Conservation Trust) is a UK-based non-profit environmental organisation established in 1989. Its primary aims are to ensure conservation of plants, animals and natural communities in areas at risk. For this purpose, it privately funds the purchase of large tracts of land by local NGO's for the purposes of protecting it, in a fashion similar to the Nature Conservancy by making use of land trusts. The organisation also seeks to help in-situ conservation measures by providing training, capital and equipment for environmental stewardship in economically backward areas. The World Land Trust also offers to offset the carbon emissions of individuals and businesses.


PEFC UK Ltd was established in 2000 and is the member of PEFC International, an international non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. PEFC International is an umbrella organisation that endorses national forest certification systems developed through multi-stakeholder processes and tailored to local priorities and conditions.

PEFC works throughout the entire forest supply chain to promote good practice in the forest and to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with respect for the highest ecological, social and ethical standards. Thanks to its eco-label, customers and consumers are able to identify products from sustainably managed forests.


Defra's overarching aim is sustainable development, which is defined as "development which enables all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life without compromising the quality of life of future generations". Under this overarching aim, Defra has five strategic priorities: 

Climate change and energy.
Sustainable consumption and production, including responsibility for the National Waste Strategy.
Protecting the countryside and natural resource protection.
Sustainable rural communities.
A sustainable farming and food sector including animal health and welfare.


Act & Demonstrate: We ensure you are able to make informed decisions about your creative solutions, allowing you to act with us and to demonstrate to clients they will be investing in a company that is helping to make the world a better place whilst helping them to uphold their customers ethical principles through offering informed buying options.


On average one ton of recycled paper:
Diverts 1.3 tonnes of waste paper from landfill
Needs 50% less energy to manufacture
Saves 1.32 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2)